June 22 th - 23 th 2022 DUAL MODALITY (ON-SITE AND VIRTUAL)


Accepted papers for AWCA 2022 will be published directly, free-of-charge in a special issue of open-access Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información (RITI) , an Latindex, DOAJ indexed journal among others.

Manuscript preparation

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to participate in the workshop by submitting short papers (work in progress), full papers and demos. Last but not least, articles summarizing in a comprehensive way previous work done and pointing out future research lines to explore potential collaborations, are particularly welcome. Potential authors from the Andean region are encouraged to submit their work to foster cooperation by taking advantage of similar interests and geographical closeness of the region.

The paper must have a length from 5 to 15 pages using the RITI’s template , has not previously been published and not be proposed simultaneously for publication in another conference nor journal.

Articles can be written in Spanish or English. If the article is written in Spanish, the title then the abstract and keywords must also be written in English. The title must have a maximum length of 15 words.

The authors must submit an anonymous version of the article in PDF. The author(s) must remove:

    a. Explicit indications of the authors names and institutions.
    b. Acknowledgments and biography.

The paper should be written in such a way that it does not surely reveal an author’s identity.

Manuscript submission

Articles should be submitted through the RITI journal platform by selecting the "Taller Andino" section and using the following link:

To create an account in the RITI submission system please use the following link:

In the sign-up process, please Do not forget to select the option “Autor/a: Puede enviar artículos a la revista.”

For any questions or problems related to the shipment of items please contact us

Review Process

At least two experts will review all submissions. Authors must remove personal details, acknowledgments section, and any other information related to the authors’ identity. Besides, all submissions will be screened by iThenticate and Turnitin.

Articles will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Timeliness
  • Technical content
  • Overall Recommendation

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